Flies Control

Flies are small insects that are highly attracted to any types of food they can get their hands on. Flies differ from size starting from 4mm to about 7.5mm, because of their small stature and great reaction time they can be quite challenging to get rid of. A single house fly can reproduce at the rate of 2,000 eggs in a single month, with only 10 days to reach maturity and only have a lifespan of about 30 days. This makes it easy for a just small fly problem to suddenly turn into an infestation, and because flies often defecate, the chances of contamination are high. In order to prevent fly infestations, homeowners and managers should identify places where food might be present or left out, and put them inside containers with tight-fitted lids. Garbage bags with food wastes must also be disposed of properly. Flies can carry diseases like Anthrax, Cholera, Salmonella, Tuberculosis and many more.